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Research at Readesmoor

Why do we do Research here?

  • Research is crucial to help us discover new knowledge and change lives
  • It is through research that we can develop better treatments, as well as improve diagnosis, prevention, care and quality of life for everyone
  • All medical devices and medication currently used today have had to go through clinical trials to deem them safe and fit to use
  • It helps the practice to access funding and resources that can benefit our patients directly

Who we work with

  • National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)
  • The NIHR fund, enable and deliver world leading health and social care research. Established in 2006 and working in partnership with NHS, universities and local government
  • Helping to shape NHS research. Used in 1000s of instances to shape health and care policy

Is Research safe?

  • Each stage of research study has to go through ethical policy
  • Research is voluntary and should always involve gaining informed consent
  • Patient confidentiality is maintained at all times

Current Studies

AsymptomaticAssessing therapy for out-patient treatment of asthma in childrenASYMPTOMATIC Trial (
ATTACKAspirin to target arterial events in chronic kidney diseaseATTACK Trial | University of Southampton
BRIT2Evaluation of antibiotic prescribing in primary careBRIT2 – Health Research Authority (
CHIPCare of housebound patients in primary careThe CHIP Study (
Dare 2 ThinkPreventing stroke, premature death and cognitive decline in atrial fibrillation patientsDaRe2THINK – Health Research Authority (
DefineDetermining the effectiveness of FeNo guided management in asthma patientsDEFINE — Oxford University – Primary Care Clinical Trials Unit
Discover MeUnderstanding clinical disease progressionDiscover Me (

Coming soon

BACN-RAYBreast Cancer Risk Assessment in Younger Women

(The practice of research) also highlights the humanity of patients and their contributions to medical care

(British Medical Journal by Michael Kanter, MD, KPSOM Chair of Clinical Sciene)

Research could not happen without the people who agree to take part. If you would like to find out more about any of our research studies or take part please submit an Admin request that can be reviewed by a member of the Readesmoor Research team.