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Self Referral

Most referrals to other specialists will require you seeing or speaking with a GP. However, there are a number of local services, listed below, that you are able to make self referrals to.

Eastern Cheshire Physiotherapy Self-referral Form

You must be registered with an Eastern Cheshire Practice. Patients below the age of 18 must attend their appointment with a chaperone. Patients who require emergency treatment (immediate, serious and life threatening). Please consult NHS 111 or GP urgently if you have recently or suddenly developed difficulties passing urine or controlling bladder/bowels, numbness or tingling around your back passage or genitals, numbness/pins and needles or weakness in both legs.

Axess – Sexual Health Services

Whenever you visit an axess service, you can be sure that you will be supported by experienced and friendly staff, who understand the concerns and anxieties which you may have about accessing a sexual health clinic. We believe that good sexual health is a right for everybody, and promise that when you access our services, you will always receive the respect and dignity you deserve.
0300 323 1300

Blood Tests (Phlebotomy Service)

You can book at one of our sites directly by using our new online appointment system. Please ensure you have an appointment before attending for a blood test and bring your blood test request form with you. We cannot take your sample without this document.

Social Prescriber Link Worker

We now have a full-time Social Prescriber Link Worker who is here to help you if you need advice regarding something that you don't want to speak to a clinician about. Please contact reception to book an appointment to be contacted by them

One You Cheshire East – Help to quit smoking

Stopping smoking improves your health and the health of people around you. Every year more and more people quit smoking and enjoy the benefits of better health. You are three times more likely to succeed by working one-to-one or in a group with a Health Coach than going it alone. You will set a quit date and make a plan that will help you achieve it. You will get lots of support and motivation from your Health Coach and your group, if you join one. Your Health Coach will be able to help you.
0808 1643 202


Self-referral web-based support for sleep problems.


We believe that young people are best placed to guide, support and empower their peers on issues relating to mental health and well being. is a site set up to support young people manage the changing times we are currently living in.
0151 547 7703

NHS stop smoking services help you quit – Quit smoking

Local stop smoking services are free, friendly and can massively boost your chances of quitting for good.
0300 123 1044

NUPAS (national unplanned pregnancy advisory service)

We offer abortion treatments and free pregnancy testing, sexually transmitted infection screening and a fully comprehensive contraceptive service.
0333 004 6666

Marie Stopes UK

You don’t need a GP referral to access NHS funded abortion care. We've been helping people with their reproductive health options for over 40 years. We provide NHS-funded and self-funded abortion and vasectomy care through our network of local clinics all over England. You can give us a call whenever you need us. Our advice line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
0345 300 8090

Find a psychological therapies service in England

You can refer yourself directly to a psychological therapies service (IAPT) without seeing your GP. These services offer therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), for common problems including: stress, anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and phobias

NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme

The Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) identifies those at diabetes high risk and refers them onto a behaviour change programme.